
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model ABB-III, BWR-2500
Owner Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB
Operator Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB


Construction Start Wednesday, 1 January 1975
First Criticality Sunday, 16 November 1980
First Grid Connection Monday, 26 January 1981
Commercial Operation Tuesday, 7 July 1981


Capacity Net 1121 MWe
Capacity Gross 1160 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3253 MWt
Design Net Capacity 900 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.

Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1981 900 3977 2870.70 90.10 72.20 72.20 72.20 72.20
1982 900 6076 5316.40 69.40 67.40 69.00 67.40 69.00
1983 900 7879 5484.40 89.90 69.60 69.20 69.60 69.20
1984 900 7442 5911.73 84.70 82.60 73.00 74.80 70.80
1985 900 8048 5735.38 91.90 83.80 75.40 72.80 71.30
1986 946 8231 6987.86 94.00 86.50 77.50 85.00 73.80
1987 949 8190 6553.84 93.50 85.50 78.80 78.80 74.60
1988 963 8032 6976.19 91.40 83.20 79.40 82.50 75.70
1989 968 8222 5943.42 93.90 90.00 80.70 70.40 75.10
1990 972 8119 6426.24 92.70 88.60 81.60 75.50 75.10
1991 969 8084 7155.18 92.30 84.20 81.80 84.30 76.00
1992 969 8294 6748.91 94.40 79.20 81.60 79.30 76.30
1993 969 7684 6715.51 87.70 79.10 81.40 79.10 76.60
1994 969 8194 7679.45 93.50 90.40 82.10 90.50 77.60
1995 969 8144 7149.21 93.00 84.10 82.20 84.20 78.10
1996 969 8135 7348.24 92.60 86.20 82.50 86.30 78.60
1997 969 7927 7325.29 90.20 87.40 82.80 86.10 79.10
1998 969 8240 7198.57 94.10 91.90 83.30 84.80 79.40
1999 964 8117 7292.27 92.70 91.80 83.80 86.00 79.80
2000 964 6939 5428.10 79.00 66.30 82.90 64.10 79.00
2001 964 8321 7399.55 95.00 88.80 83.20 87.60 79.40
2002 959 8155 6823.89 93.10 82.20 83.10 81.00 79.50
2003 954 7916 7303.88 90.40 87.10 83.30 87.00 79.80
2004 954 8529 7982.20 97.10 95.20 83.80 95.20 80.50
2005 951 8348 7790.11 95.30 93.70 84.20 93.50 81.00
2006 951 6426 6011.87 73.40 72.50 83.80 72.20 80.60
2007 1000 7750 7470.12 88.50 85.00 83.80 85.30 80.80
2008 990 7342 6920.12 83.60 79.20 83.60 79.40 80.80
2009 990 5902 5530.68 67.40 63.60 82.90 63.80 80.20
2010 990 7635 3334.15 87.20 38.30 81.30 38.40 78.70
2011 996 8259 8161.59 94.30 93.20 81.80 93.80 79.20
2012 996 7747 7464.89 88.20 85.00 81.80 85.30 79.40
2013 1120 8239 8697.94 94.00 91.20 82.20 91.10 79.80
2014 1120 7991 8796.40 91.20 89.40 82.40 89.70 80.20
2015 1120 8107 8933.60 92.60 91.10 82.70 91.10 80.50
2016 1120 6927 7362.92 78.90 74.50 82.40 74.80 80.30
2017 1120 7721 8063.69 88.10 81.90 82.40 82.20 80.40
2018 1116 7890 8562.30 90.10 87.20 82.60 87.50 80.60
2019 1118 8183 8470.86 93.40 86.30 82.70 86.50 80.80
2020 1118 7356 7535.29 83.70 80.30 82.60 76.70 80.70
2021 1118 7943 8620.48 90.70 87.50 82.80 88.00 80.90
2022 1121 8254 8998.04 94.20 92.50 83.00 91.60 81.20
2023 1121 7506 7354.48 85.70 76.40 82.80 74.90 81.00

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in Sweden

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