
Reactor Type Gas-Cooled Reactor (or GCR)
Model AGR
Owner EDF Energy
Operator EDF Energy


Construction Start Wednesday, 1 November 1967
First Criticality Sunday, 27 March 1977
First Grid Connection Thursday, 31 March 1977
Commercial Operation Thursday, 31 March 1977
Permanent Shutdown Friday, 7 January 2022


Capacity Net 495 MWe
Capacity Gross 644 MWe
Thermal Capacity 1496 MWt
Design Net Capacity 624 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.

Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1977 500 3071 1047.70 46.40 32.50 32.50 31.60 31.60
1978 500 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 0.00 13.60
1979 500 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.90 0.00 8.70
1980 500 5147 2544.00 58.90 58.90 22.20 58.20 21.90
1981 500 7219 3019.90 81.10 68.20 32.00 67.80 31.70
1982 515 5596 2706.20 64.00 59.80 36.90 60.10 36.70
1983 520 8524 4153.00 97.60 88.40 44.80 91.40 45.00
1984 550 6365 3287.00 72.90 67.70 47.90 68.40 48.30
1985 575 8303 4507.70 95.00 88.70 53.10 89.70 53.50
1986 575 6496 3616.10 74.40 70.80 55.10 72.00 55.60
1987 575 8710 4623.40 97.80 90.50 58.70 90.30 59.10
1988 575 5754 3115.50 65.90 61.30 58.90 62.00 59.40
1989 575 8643 4728.00 98.90 93.50 61.80 94.10 62.30
1990 575 5858 3231.25 67.10 63.80 62.00 64.30 62.50
1991 575 8707 4727.80 99.70 94.00 64.30 94.10 64.70
1992 575 3733 1969.70 41.90 39.20 62.60 38.50 63.00
1993 575 8128 4322.10 93.00 86.10 64.10 86.00 64.40
1994 585 6949 3784.72 79.50 74.70 64.70 74.40 65.00
1995 585 8315 4671.30 91.60 90.10 66.20 87.90 66.30
1996 585 2377 1276.60 27.10 91.80 67.60 24.80 64.10
1997 595 8200 4559.72 93.40 87.50 68.60 87.20 65.30
1998 595 8149 4518.00 92.80 86.70 69.50 86.40 66.40
1999 595 7302 4101.97 83.10 78.80 69.90 78.50 66.90
2000 595 6411 3241.62 73.00 62.00 69.60 62.00 66.70
2001 595 6485 3785.00 73.80 83.70 70.20 72.40 66.90
2002 595 7721 4413.06 88.10 83.10 70.70 84.70 67.70
2003 595 8381 4627.26 95.70 87.50 71.40 88.80 68.50
2004 595 7799 4238.69 88.80 83.50 71.80 81.10 69.00
2005 595 7017 3633.64 80.10 69.40 71.70 69.70 69.00
2006 605 6753 3745.99 77.10 71.00 71.70 71.00 69.10
2007 420 4642 1658.38 53.00 41.30 70.90 40.70 68.30
2008 410 6054 2240.71 68.90 61.90 70.70 61.80 68.20
2009 430 8065 3217.65 92.10 85.40 71.00 86.40 68.60
2010 430 7876 3218.67 89.90 85.10 71.40 85.40 69.00
2011 430 7211 2959.85 82.30 78.30 71.50 78.60 69.20
2012 430 8784 3635.82 100.00 95.40 72.00 96.30 69.80
2013 430 7601 3432.84 86.80 83.40 72.30 91.10 70.30
2014 485 6114 2832.36 69.80 66.50 72.20 66.70 70.20
2015 485 8640 4134.20 98.60 95.40 72.70 97.30 70.80
2016 485 8399 4028.95 95.60 93.00 73.20 94.60 71.30
2017 485 7187 3421.34 82.00 79.50 73.30 80.50 71.60
2018 495 6599 3142.06 75.30 73.20 73.30 72.50 71.60
2019 495 2572 1116.54 29.40 27.80 72.30 25.80 70.60
2020 495 2284 1022.14 26.00 24.80 71.30 23.50 69.60
2021 495 7048 3246.09 80.50 75.30 71.40 74.90 69.70

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United Kingdom

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