
Reactor Type Pressurised Water Reactor (or PWR)
Model W (3-loop)
Owner Endesa, Iberdrola
Operator Asociaci??n Nuclear Asc??-Vandell??s A.I.E. (Endesa/Id)


Construction Start Monday, 29 December 1980
First Criticality Saturday, 14 November 1987
First Grid Connection Saturday, 12 December 1987
Commercial Operation Tuesday, 8 March 1988


Capacity Net 1047 MWe
Capacity Gross 1087 MWe
Thermal Capacity 2941 MWt
Design Net Capacity 930 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1987 930 318 40.28 - - - - -
1988 930 6262 5101.90 70.50 67.40 67.40 67.50 67.50
1989 943 6357 5868.79 72.60 70.60 69.10 71.00 69.40
1990 943 7925 7334.29 90.50 87.80 75.70 88.80 76.30
1991 953 7825 7214.92 89.30 86.30 78.50 86.40 79.00
1992 953 7249 6718.20 82.50 79.60 78.80 80.20 79.20
1993 961 7377 6910.40 84.20 82.40 79.40 82.10 79.70
1994 961 7676 7208.44 87.60 85.60 80.30 85.60 80.60
1995 961 7957 7571.28 90.80 89.50 81.50 89.90 81.80
1996 961 7942 7511.43 90.40 89.00 82.30 89.00 82.60
1997 961 7961 7243.11 90.90 85.50 82.70 86.00 83.00
1998 966 8760 8359.01 100.00 99.00 84.20 98.80 84.40
1999 1043 7430 7224.37 84.80 82.50 84.00 80.50 84.10
2000 1043 7852 7976.91 89.40 87.60 84.40 87.10 84.30
2001 1043 8727 9010.35 99.60 99.40 85.50 98.60 85.40
2002 1040 7881 8010.07 90.00 88.10 85.70 87.90 85.60
2003 1040 8067 8219.25 92.10 89.50 86.00 90.20 85.90
2004 1045 8429 8677.05 96.00 94.50 86.50 94.50 86.50
2005 1045 4657 4698.40 53.20 51.30 84.40 51.30 84.40
2006 1045 6882 7022.75 78.60 76.20 84.00 76.70 84.00
2007 1045 5313 5387.75 60.60 59.20 82.60 58.90 82.60
2008 1045 6922 6926.03 78.80 75.40 82.30 75.40 82.30
2009 1045 5241 5164.06 59.80 56.40 81.00 56.40 81.00
2010 1045 8293 8498.80 94.70 92.80 81.60 92.80 81.60
2011 1045 6894 7034.35 78.70 77.30 81.40 76.80 81.40
2012 1045 7549 7718.56 85.90 84.30 81.50 84.10 81.50
2013 1045 7676 7742.95 87.60 84.80 81.60 84.60 81.60
2014 1045 8663 8824.89 98.90 96.40 82.20 96.40 82.20
2015 1045 7353 7478.53 83.90 81.70 82.20 81.70 82.20
2016 1045 7568 7650.33 86.20 83.90 82.20 83.30 82.20
2017 1045 8760 8997.98 100.00 98.30 82.80 98.30 82.80
2018 1045 4947 5009.18 56.50 54.70 81.90 54.70 81.80
2019 1045 7293 7383.68 83.20 80.70 81.80 80.70 81.80
2020 1045 8784 8875.72 100.00 97.50 82.30 96.70 82.20
2021 1045 7758 7848.71 88.60 86.30 82.40 85.70 82.40
2022 1047 7759 7897.80 88.60 86.10 82.50 86.10 82.50
2023 1047 8444 8573.98 96.40 93.50 82.90 93.50 82.80

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in Spain

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