Achieving a clean energy mix: Role of new nuclear technologies

Updated Thursday, 12 January 2023

15 November 2022
17:30 EGY | 15:30 GMT

#ATOMS4CLIMATE pavilion and online

Decarbonising the power sector is key to reducing CO2 emissions and helping to tackle climate change. Nevertheless, there is also a need to decarbonise the broader energy system.

Today, there are several sectors which cannot simply be electrified – and which are therefore much harder to decarbonise. This includes for example Energy Intensive Industries – which often the face the additional challenge of requiring a constant supply of affordable energy.

This panel focussed on different technologies under development which couldprovide solutions for these hard to decarbonise sectors. It will touch upon, for example, Small Modular Reactors. Nuclear has the potential to provide multiple solutions for different sector, including low-carbon hydrogen and district heating options.