Meeting the energy challenge: nuclear's role in a sustainable and secure low-carbon future
15:00-16:30 EGY | 13:00-14:30 GMT, 16 September 2022
Official UNFCCC sidebar event
Organized by World Nuclear Association, CNA, JAIF, LAS/NAS, NEI, Nucleareurope
Energy demand has been growing faster than clean energy production, leading to a rise in energy-related GHGs. Price rises triggered by fossil fuel supplies concerns are causing hardship. The event explored how nuclear energy can contribute to a more affordable, secure and sustainable energy future.
This was an official UNFCCC side event. Please note that due to technical issues the quality of the UNFCCC livestream was poor. This recording uses additional audio and video sources to improve the presentation. However, some of the original audio and video is still used, particularly in the earlier section of the video.