Nuclear medicine helps tens of millions of people every year

Updated Tuesday, 26 October 2021
  • Every year, nuclear medicine helps doctors diagnose and treat tens of millions of people.
  • Nuclear materials are essential for medical research, as they are used to analyse specific molecules inside the body.
  • Radiotherapy helps treat and cure many kinds of cancer.
  • Irradiation is used to sterilize medical equipment, such as syringes and catheters.

Nuclear medicine is a critical component in diagnosing health problems related to the function of organs, tissues, or bones. Radioisotopes, which can be produced by nuclear reactors, are used as ‘tracers’ in PET scans, one of the most accurate means of detecting and evaluating most cancers.

Biotechnologists analyse specific molecules inside the body using nuclear materials. These techniques are an essential research component for chronic illnesses like AIDS and Alzheimer’s disease.

Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) can cure many different types of cancer, as well as other conditions, such as Graves’ disease (the most common cause of hyperthyroidism). In the case of cancer, most cancerous growths are sensitive to radiation.

There are numerous different treatment options, either with external or internal radiation, that can control or eliminate cancer by irradiating the area containing it.

The nuclear by-product cobalt-60 can kill off harmful and deadly bacteria, making it an effective solution to sterilize medical equipment, such as syringes and catheters.