Bulgaria should accelerate new nuclear build to meet growing needs for reliable, low carbon electricity

Press release issued 25 January 2018

“The time is right for Bulgaria to take the lead and make a strong commitment to a new nuclear build programme.”

These comments were made by Agneta Rising on 25 January when she addressed the Energy Commission Members at the Bulgarian Parliament.

Bulgaria has a long-standing positive experience of nuclear energy, recognising the benefits it brings to people and the environment. There is a strong support both in government and in general public. Recent efforts to expand Bulgaria’s nuclear capacity have not progressed. However, the efforts made to start these projects in the past would give Bulgaria a head start in moving them to timely completion.

Expanding nuclear generation in Bulgaria will bring great benefits for its economy, for the environment and the communities hosting new build. And once operating, new nuclear generation will provide reliable low carbon generation 24/7, and support hundreds of highly skilled jobs.

Nuclear energy supplies around 35% of Bulgaria’s electricity, from two VVER 1000 units operating at Kozloduy. But half of Bulgaria’s electricity is generated from fossil fuels, which, unfortunately, pollute the atmosphere and endanger the climate. Bulgaria needs to replace much of this with clean and low carbon generation, as well as meeting its growing electricity demand. In the period January-October 2017 electricity demand was 5% higher than the same period in the previous year.

Development of nuclear energy worldwide is strong. This year more than 15 GW of new nuclear capacity is expected to start delivering electricity, three times the average level seen over the previous 25 years. Agneta Rising called on the Bulgarian government to bring new momentum to nuclear new build in Bulgaria, saying; 

“We look to governments to set clear and consistent energy policy, policy that recognises those energy sources with low carbon attributes, that reflects system costs and ensures security of supply and that encourages investment in new generation projects."

"Expanding nuclear generation in Bulgaria will bring great benefits for its economy, for the environment and the communities hosting new build. And once operating, new nuclear generation will provide low carbon and reliable 24/7 generation, and support hundreds of highly skilled jobs.”

The full speech text is available here