World Nuclear Association joins UN movement dedicated to delivering 24/7 carbon-free energy

Updated Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Issued: 13 September 2022

World Nuclear Association has become a signatory of the UN 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact. This means the Association is now part of a global movement that aims to create a future where all electricity consumption worldwide is served by carbon-free energy sources – every hour of every day. 

World Nuclear Association Director General Sama Bilbao y León said, 

“The UN’s 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact distinguishes itself from other similar initiatives by embracing a low-carbon, technology-inclusive approach that does not rely on carbon offsets. It commits to concrete actions and promises to genuinely help companies introduce pragmatic pathways to achieve full decarbonization.” 

Major technology companies such as Microsoft and Google are already signatories, and the Compact is coordinated by United Nations bodies and the UN-affiliated organisation Sustainable Energy For All. The Compact aims to form a global community that will provide the support, tools, and partnerships that will help organizations meet this demanding yet necessary climate commitment.

Director General Sama Bilbao y León noted,

“It is vital that the world successfully decarbonizes as quickly as possible and that countries continue to achieve their sustainable development goals. It is equally important to do so in an equitable manner, and that will require increased access to affordable 24/7 carbon-free energy.

"Companies can play their part by investing in a diverse portfolio of low-carbon energy options. As one of the few technologies capable to provide round-the-clock low carbon electricity and heat, nuclear contributes to both affordable and reliable energy supply and will be a big part of the climate solution in the years ahead.”