
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model BWR-4 (Mark 1)
Owner Tennessee Valley Authority
Operator Tennessee Valley Authority


Construction Start Monday, 1 May 1967
First Criticality Saturday, 20 July 1974
First Grid Connection Wednesday, 28 August 1974
Commercial Operation Saturday, 1 March 1975
Long-term Shutdown Friday, 1 March 1985
Restart Friday, 24 May 1991


Capacity Net 1200 MWe
Capacity Gross 1259 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3458 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1065 MWe
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1974 1065 1998 1123.80 - - - - -
1975 1065 1578 1425.70 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
1976 1065 2547 1567.20 29.00 16.80 12.40 16.80 12.30
1977 1065 6963 6225.00 79.50 66.80 31.50 66.70 31.50
1978 1065 6032 5547.50 68.90 59.40 38.80 59.50 38.80
1979 1065 7593 7441.40 86.70 79.80 47.20 79.80 47.20
1980 1065 6073 5618.40 69.10 69.50 51.10 60.10 49.40
1981 1065 7452 7471.90 85.10 85.20 56.00 80.10 53.90
1982 1065 4778 4450.90 54.50 54.90 55.90 47.70 53.10
1983 1065 6514 6385.60 74.40 74.80 58.00 68.40 54.80
1984 1065 5844 4044.37 66.50 66.60 58.90 43.20 53.70
1985 - - - - - - - -
1986 - - - - - - - -
1987 - - - - - - - -
1988 - - - - - - - -
1989 - - - - - - - -
1990 - - - - - - - -
1991 1065 4125 3804.01 80.30 80.40 59.20 69.50 53.70
1992 1065 8401 8388.77 95.60 95.70 62.40 89.70 56.80
1993 1065 5753 5776.84 65.70 65.70 62.60 61.90 57.20
1994 1065 7234 7345.17 82.60 82.60 64.10 78.70 58.80
1995 1065 8629 9197.03 98.50 98.50 66.40 98.60 61.50
1996 1065 7795 8046.29 88.70 88.70 67.90 86.00 63.10
1997 1065 8130 8372.93 92.80 92.80 69.40 89.80 64.70
1998 1065 8730 9301.04 99.70 99.70 71.10 99.70 66.70
1999 1118 7985 8586.32 91.20 91.00 72.20 89.10 68.00
2000 1118 8727 9733.46 99.40 99.40 73.70 99.10 69.60
2001 1118 7636 8414.56 87.20 87.20 74.30 85.90 70.40
2002 1118 8269 8911.26 94.40 94.40 75.30 91.00 71.40
2003 1118 7888 8369.22 90.00 90.10 76.00 85.50 72.10
2004 1118 8715 9785.98 99.20 99.20 77.00 99.60 73.30
2005 1118 8052 8802.16 91.90 91.90 77.60 89.90 74.00
2006 1118 8365 9232.64 95.50 95.50 78.40 94.30 74.80
2007 1104 7229 7606.63 82.50 80.70 78.40 78.60 75.00
2008 1104 8545 9429.92 97.30 97.30 79.20 97.20 75.80
2009 1103 7122 7808.51 81.30 81.30 79.20 80.80 76.00
2010 1104 8568 8842.51 97.80 97.80 79.90 91.40 76.50
2011 1104 7092 7720.39 81.00 81.00 79.90 79.80 76.60
2012 1104 8685 9576.00 98.90 98.90 80.50 98.80 77.30
2013 1104 7527 7997.82 85.90 85.90 80.70 82.70 77.50
2014 1104 8657 9481.43 98.80 98.80 81.20 98.00 78.10
2015 1104 7947 8591.32 90.70 90.70 81.50 88.80 78.40
2016 1104 8722 9523.24 99.30 99.30 82.00 98.20 79.00
2017 1104 7940 8395.47 90.60 90.60 82.30 86.80 79.20
2018 1104 8622 9460.54 98.40 98.40 82.70 97.80 79.70
2019 1200 7399 8448.74 84.50 84.80 82.80 83.10 79.80
2020 1200 8368 10098.92 95.30 95.30 83.10 95.80 80.20
2021 1200 7440 9186.32 84.90 84.90 83.20 87.40 80.40
2022 1200 8760 10981.47 100.00 100.00 83.60 104.50 81.10
2023 1200 7979 9813.14 91.10 90.80 83.80 93.40 81.40

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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