
Reactor Type Pressurised Water Reactor (or PWR)
Model N4 REP 1450
Owner EDF
Operator EDF


Construction Start Tuesday, 31 December 1985
First Criticality Monday, 10 March 1997
First Grid Connection Thursday, 10 April 1997
Commercial Operation Friday, 29 September 2000


Capacity Net 1500 MWe
Capacity Gross 1560 MWe
Thermal Capacity 4270 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1455 MWe
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1997 1455 2997 2960.25 - - - - -
1998 1455 172 86.28 - - - - -
1999 1455 5267 7308.70 - - - - -
2000 1455 5347 7213.35 94.70 90.20 90.20 92.20 92.20
2001 1455 7221 10159.53 82.40 80.40 82.30 79.70 82.20
2002 1455 7240 9814.83 82.60 81.50 82.00 77.00 79.90
2003 1500 7457 10472.75 85.10 83.30 82.40 79.70 79.80
2004 1500 7061 10063.94 80.40 80.10 81.80 76.40 79.00
2005 1500 7343 10321.55 83.80 81.60 81.80 78.60 78.90
2006 1500 6845 9460.52 78.10 79.60 81.50 72.00 77.80
2007 1500 7725 11016.49 88.20 85.20 82.00 83.80 78.60
2008 1500 7639 11038.88 87.00 84.60 82.30 83.80 79.30
2009 1500 5593 7821.91 63.80 62.50 80.10 59.50 77.10
2010 1500 7529 10739.75 86.00 83.40 80.50 81.70 77.60
2011 1500 8076 11507.74 92.20 91.20 81.40 87.60 78.50
2012 1500 4092 5773.74 46.60 44.00 78.40 43.80 75.60
2013 1500 7351 10676.71 83.90 82.40 78.60 81.20 76.00
2014 1500 8686 12405.66 99.20 98.00 80.00 94.40 77.30
2015 1500 6673 9504.22 76.20 74.10 79.60 72.30 77.00
2016 1500 7791 11021.73 88.70 85.60 80.00 83.60 77.40
2017 1500 5351 7691.34 61.10 59.80 78.80 58.50 76.30
2018 1500 8388 12031.86 95.80 94.20 79.70 91.60 77.20
2019 1500 4846 6757.53 55.30 53.80 78.30 51.40 75.80
2020 1500 6107 8328.39 69.50 70.00 77.90 63.20 75.20
2021 1500 3523 4693.11 40.20 35.70 75.90 35.70 73.30
2022 1500 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.50 0.00 70.00
2023 1500 5559 7888.17 63.50 62.10 72.00 60.00 69.60

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in France

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