
Reactor Type Pressurised Water Reactor (or PWR)
Model W (4-loop)
Owner PG&E Corporation
Operator Pacific Gas And Electric Company


Construction Start Tuesday, 23 April 1968
First Criticality Sunday, 29 April 1984
First Grid Connection Sunday, 11 November 1984
Commercial Operation Tuesday, 7 May 1985


Capacity Net 1138 MWe
Capacity Gross 1197 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3411 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1084 MWe
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1984 1084 814 204.00 - - - - -
1985 1073 5206 5234.23 90.80 90.80 90.80 85.10 85.10
1986 1073 5757 5316.22 65.70 65.70 75.70 56.60 67.80
1987 1073 8340 8284.20 95.20 95.30 83.00 88.10 75.50
1988 1073 5555 5276.12 63.20 34.60 69.80 56.00 70.10
1989 1073 7069 7199.90 80.70 80.70 72.10 76.60 71.50
1990 1073 8425 8713.52 96.20 96.20 76.40 92.70 75.30
1991 1073 7125 7366.28 81.30 80.40 77.00 78.40 75.70
1992 1073 7224 7454.72 82.20 82.30 77.70 79.10 76.20
1993 1073 8630 9028.01 98.50 98.50 80.10 96.00 78.50
1994 1073 6991 7371.98 79.80 79.80 80.00 78.40 78.50
1995 1073 7175 7451.75 81.90 81.90 80.20 79.30 78.50
1996 1073 8316 8786.81 94.70 94.70 81.50 93.20 79.80
1997 1073 7700 8195.01 87.90 87.90 82.00 87.20 80.40
1998 1073 8564 8967.83 97.80 97.80 83.10 95.40 81.50
1999 1073 7764 8224.84 88.60 88.70 83.50 87.50 81.90
2000 1073 7485 7853.51 85.20 85.20 83.60 83.30 82.00
2001 1087 8708 9504.59 99.40 99.40 84.60 100.00 83.10
2002 1087 6652 7048.21 75.90 76.00 84.10 74.00 82.60
2003 1087 8760 9585.43 100.00 100.00 85.00 100.70 83.50
2004 1087 6869 7233.89 78.20 78.20 84.60 75.80 83.10
2005 1087 7775 8323.35 88.80 88.80 84.80 87.40 83.40
2006 1122 8760 9944.98 100.00 100.00 85.50 101.20 84.20
2007 1122 7870 8868.35 89.80 89.90 85.70 90.20 84.50
2008 1122 8784 9884.24 100.00 100.00 86.40 100.30 85.20
2009 1122 7295 8237.57 83.30 83.30 86.20 83.80 85.10
2010 1122 7753 8677.45 88.50 88.50 86.30 88.30 85.20
2011 1122 8760 9916.75 100.00 100.00 86.90 100.90 85.80
2012 1122 7450 8295.66 84.80 84.80 86.80 84.20 85.80
2013 1122 8606 9653.45 98.20 98.20 87.20 98.20 86.20
2014 1122 7652 8556.89 87.40 87.40 87.20 87.10 86.30
2015 1138 7828 8793.72 89.40 89.50 87.30 88.20 86.30
2016 1138 8784 9974.63 100.00 100.00 87.70 99.80 86.80
2017 1138 7296 8204.54 83.30 83.30 87.60 82.30 86.60
2018 1138 8760 9733.67 100.00 100.00 87.90 97.60 87.00
2019 1138 7886 8871.17 90.00 90.00 88.00 89.00 87.00
2020 1138 8064 8910.57 91.80 91.80 88.10 89.10 87.10
2021 1138 8760 9827.85 100.00 100.00 88.40 98.60 87.40
2022 1138 8040 8912.10 91.80 91.80 88.50 89.40 87.50
2023 1138 7502 8207.56 85.60 85.10 88.40 82.30 87.30

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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