
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model BWR-6 (Mark 3)
Owner Systems Energy Resources, Inc
Operator Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.


Construction Start Saturday, 4 May 1974
First Criticality Wednesday, 18 August 1982
First Grid Connection Saturday, 20 October 1984
Commercial Operation Monday, 1 July 1985


Capacity Net 1401 MWe
Capacity Gross 1500 MWe
Thermal Capacity 4408 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1250 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1984 1250 702 164.98 - - - - -
1985 1108 5042 4316.40 60.90 58.70 58.70 54.20 54.20
1986 1108 5326 4098.05 60.80 60.50 59.90 42.20 46.20
1987 1142 7098 7726.99 81.00 80.90 68.40 78.00 59.10
1988 1142 8250 9590.95 93.90 93.80 75.80 95.60 69.70
1989 1142 6815 7846.28 77.80 76.90 76.00 78.40 71.70
1990 1142 6765 7404.01 77.20 76.60 76.10 74.00 72.10
1991 1143 8035 9118.72 91.70 88.40 78.00 91.10 75.00
1992 1143 7163 8171.15 81.60 81.10 78.40 81.40 75.90
1993 1143 6845 7898.46 78.10 77.60 78.30 78.90 76.20
1994 1143 8284 9614.75 94.60 94.50 80.00 96.00 78.30
1995 1173 6829 7809.73 78.00 77.70 79.80 77.30 78.20
1996 1179 7696 9224.70 87.60 87.70 80.50 89.30 79.20
1997 1200 8760 10817.56 100.00 100.00 82.20 102.90 81.20
1998 1204 7641 9190.81 87.20 87.50 82.60 87.40 81.70
1999 1204 6944 8428.40 79.30 79.30 82.30 79.90 81.60
2000 1210 8634 10694.61 98.30 98.30 83.40 100.70 82.90
2001 1210 8040 9923.98 91.80 91.80 84.00 93.60 83.50
2002 1207 8139 10059.47 92.90 92.90 84.50 95.10 84.20
2003 1207 8574 10902.49 97.90 97.90 85.20 103.10 85.30
2004 1207 8047 10235.07 91.60 91.20 85.60 96.50 85.90
2005 1263 7974 10077.85 91.00 91.00 85.80 91.10 86.20
2006 1266 8570 10807.33 97.80 97.80 86.40 97.40 86.70
2007 1268 7643 9358.78 87.20 87.30 86.50 84.30 86.60
2008 1268 7637 9417.15 86.90 87.00 86.50 84.60 86.50
2009 1259 8760 10998.51 100.00 100.00 87.10 99.70 87.10
2010 1251 7912 9643.24 90.30 90.30 87.20 88.00 87.10
2011 1251 8760 10336.52 100.00 100.00 87.70 94.30 87.40
2012 1401 5740 7336.44 65.40 67.00 86.90 63.60 86.40
2013 1401 7891 10784.30 90.10 91.00 87.10 87.90 86.50
2014 1401 7744 10279.50 88.40 88.20 87.10 83.80 86.40
2015 1401 8563 11718.78 97.80 97.70 87.50 95.50 86.70
2016 1401 4407 5981.59 50.20 49.50 86.10 48.60 85.40
2017 1401 6208 7437.97 70.90 62.80 85.30 60.60 84.50
2018 1401 5664 6957.96 64.70 64.30 84.60 56.70 83.50
2019 1401 8068 11032.60 92.10 92.10 84.80 89.90 83.80
2020 1401 5202 6470.93 59.20 59.20 84.00 52.60 82.80
2021 1401 8473 11803.75 96.70 96.70 84.40 96.20 83.20
2022 1401 6400 8761.20 73.10 83.80 84.40 71.40 82.80
2023 1401 8380 11750.13 95.70 99.50 84.80 95.70 83.20

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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