
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model BWR-5 (Mark 2)
Owner Exelon Corporation
Operator Exelon Generation Co., Llc


Construction Start Monday, 10 September 1973
First Criticality Monday, 21 June 1982
First Grid Connection Saturday, 4 September 1982
Commercial Operation Sunday, 1 January 1984


Capacity Net 1137 MWe
Capacity Gross 1207 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3546 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1078 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.

Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1982 1078 1858 460.80 - - - - -
1983 1078 3087 1639.80 - - - - -
1984 1078 6052 5206.21 68.90 69.40 69.40 55.00 55.00
1985 1036 5581 4827.46 63.70 63.70 66.60 53.20 54.10
1986 1036 2331 2100.75 26.60 25.80 53.20 23.20 43.90
1987 1036 5455 4108.12 62.30 61.90 55.40 45.30 44.30
1988 1036 5818 5453.67 66.20 65.90 57.40 59.90 47.40
1989 1036 6103 6180.58 69.70 69.70 59.50 68.10 50.80
1990 1036 8329 8637.38 95.10 95.00 64.50 95.20 57.10
1991 1036 6627 6841.44 75.60 75.40 65.90 75.40 59.40
1992 1036 6528 6469.28 74.30 74.00 66.80 71.10 60.70
1993 1036 7102 7207.51 81.10 81.00 68.20 79.40 62.50
1994 1036 5095 4945.32 58.20 57.80 67.20 54.50 61.80
1995 1036 8226 8239.56 93.90 93.90 69.40 90.80 64.20
1996 1036 3349 3300.36 38.10 37.50 67.00 36.30 62.10
1997 1036 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.20 0.00 57.60
1998 1036 3174 3336.67 36.20 36.30 60.50 36.80 56.30
1999 1036 7963 8013.68 90.90 90.80 62.40 88.30 58.30
2000 1114 8784 9745.39 100.00 100.00 64.70 102.80 61.00
2001 1111 8708 9850.36 99.40 99.40 66.70 101.00 63.40
2002 1111 7945 8927.60 90.70 90.60 68.10 91.70 64.90
2003 1111 8716 9739.03 99.50 99.50 69.70 100.10 66.80
2004 1111 8059 9051.53 91.80 91.50 70.80 92.80 68.10
2005 1146 8760 9811.96 100.00 100.00 72.30 97.70 69.60
2006 1118 8129 9092.07 92.80 92.80 73.20 92.80 70.60
2007 1118 8760 9664.63 100.00 100.00 74.40 98.70 71.80
2008 1118 8103 8883.77 92.20 92.30 75.10 90.50 72.60
2009 1118 8580 9700.71 98.00 98.00 76.00 99.00 73.70
2010 1118 8119 9207.03 92.70 92.70 76.70 94.00 74.50
2011 1118 8529 9851.68 97.40 97.40 77.50 100.60 75.40
2012 1137 8213 9471.23 93.50 93.60 78.00 95.10 76.20
2013 1137 8465 9774.52 96.60 100.00 78.80 98.10 76.90
2014 1137 8092 9267.74 92.40 92.40 79.30 93.00 77.50
2015 1137 8760 10153.40 100.00 100.00 80.00 101.90 78.30
2016 1137 8019 9054.09 91.30 91.30 80.30 90.70 78.70
2017 1137 8541 9856.32 97.50 97.50 80.80 99.00 79.30
2018 1137 8117 9347.13 92.70 92.80 81.20 93.80 79.80
2019 1137 8680 10026.81 99.10 99.10 81.70 100.70 80.40
2020 1137 8342 9535.89 95.00 95.00 82.10 95.50 80.80
2021 1137 8760 10066.17 100.00 100.00 82.60 101.10 81.30
2022 1137 8160 9275.00 93.20 93.20 82.90 93.10 81.60
2023 1137 8760 10095.55 100.00 99.80 83.30 101.40 82.20

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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