
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model ABB-III, BWR-2500
Owner Teollisuuden Voima Oyj
Operator Teollisuuden Voima Oyj


Construction Start Saturday, 1 November 1975
First Criticality Saturday, 13 October 1979
First Grid Connection Monday, 18 February 1980
Commercial Operation Saturday, 10 July 1982


Capacity Net 890 MWe
Capacity Gross 920 MWe
Thermal Capacity 2500 MWt
Design Net Capacity 660 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.

Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1980 660 1266 672.60 - - - - -
1981 660 5628 3436.40 - - - - -
1982 658 7269 4587.10 79.50 77.60 77.60 77.60 77.60
1983 657 8221 5087.20 93.80 86.80 83.70 88.40 84.80
1984 710 8031 5341.30 91.40 89.60 86.10 87.30 85.80
1985 710 7912 5415.79 90.30 88.20 86.70 87.10 86.20
1986 710 8437 5840.21 96.30 95.10 88.60 93.90 88.00
1987 710 8379 5725.03 95.60 93.70 89.60 92.00 88.70
1988 710 8220 5713.20 93.60 92.70 90.10 91.60 89.20
1989 710 8363 5827.02 95.50 94.90 90.70 93.70 89.80
1990 710 8265 5749.87 94.40 93.80 91.10 92.40 90.10
1991 710 8216 5730.95 93.80 93.00 91.30 92.10 90.30
1992 710 8306 5790.44 94.60 93.30 91.50 92.80 90.60
1993 710 8327 5861.56 95.10 94.40 91.70 94.20 90.90
1994 710 8130 5732.63 92.80 92.30 91.80 92.20 91.00
1995 710 8236 5747.24 94.00 92.50 91.80 92.40 91.10
1996 710 8413 5915.41 95.80 95.00 92.10 94.80 91.40
1997 775 8258 6077.04 94.30 93.70 92.20 94.10 91.50
1998 840 8207 6628.46 93.70 93.20 92.20 90.10 91.40
1999 840 8505 7091.21 97.10 96.40 92.50 96.40 91.80
2000 840 8457 7028.90 96.30 95.30 92.70 95.30 92.00
2001 840 8387 6988.00 95.70 95.10 92.80 95.00 92.20
2002 840 8472 7108.51 96.70 96.80 93.10 96.60 92.40
2003 840 8378 7026.86 95.60 95.20 93.20 95.50 92.60
2004 840 8485 7080.70 96.60 95.80 93.30 96.00 92.70
2005 860 8248 6996.68 94.20 93.80 93.30 94.00 92.80
2006 860 8562 7294.36 97.70 96.40 93.50 96.80 93.00
2007 860 8258 7051.32 94.30 93.20 93.50 93.60 93.00
2008 860 8579 7313.82 97.70 96.30 93.60 96.80 93.20
2009 860 8365 7156.34 95.50 94.50 93.60 95.00 93.20
2010 860 8386 7167.34 95.70 94.60 93.60 95.10 93.30
2011 880 7987 6913.53 91.20 89.90 93.50 90.70 93.20
2012 880 8561 7477.19 97.50 95.80 93.60 96.70 93.40
2013 880 8171 7162.81 93.30 92.00 93.50 92.90 93.30
2014 880 8567 7496.54 97.80 96.80 93.60 97.20 93.50
2015 880 7856 6863.99 89.70 88.50 93.50 89.00 93.30
2016 880 8381 7300.52 95.40 93.80 93.50 94.40 93.40
2017 880 7132 6256.41 81.40 80.40 93.10 81.20 93.00
2018 890 8350 7333.77 95.30 95.00 93.10 94.10 93.00
2019 890 8162 7209.08 93.20 92.30 93.10 92.50 93.00
2020 890 8289 7276.55 94.40 93.10 93.10 93.10 93.00
2021 890 7941 7033.38 90.60 89.90 93.00 90.20 92.90
2022 890 8539 7532.48 97.50 96.50 93.10 96.60 93.00
2023 890 7840 6871.08 89.50 88.10 93.00 88.10 92.90

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in Finland

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