
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model BWR-4 (Mark 1)
Owner Exelon Corp. (50%), PSEG Power (50%)
Operator Exelon Generation Co., Llc


Construction Start Wednesday, 31 January 1968
First Criticality Sunday, 16 September 1973
First Grid Connection Monday, 18 February 1974
Commercial Operation Friday, 5 July 1974


Capacity Net 1300 MWe
Capacity Gross 1412 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3951 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1065 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1974 1050 6162 4982.70 90.60 90.60 90.60 78.90 78.90
1975 1051 6638 5082.50 75.80 55.30 67.10 55.20 63.20
1976 1051 5998 5580.40 68.30 60.50 64.40 60.40 62.10
1977 1051 4836 4051.60 55.20 44.00 58.60 44.00 56.90
1978 1051 7299 6793.60 83.30 73.80 62.00 73.80 60.70
1979 1051 8295 8574.40 94.70 92.90 67.60 93.10 66.60
1980 1051 4529 4372.60 51.60 50.00 64.90 47.40 63.60
1981 1051 6938 6635.30 79.20 78.50 66.70 72.10 64.70
1982 1051 5089 4816.80 58.10 56.50 65.50 52.30 63.30
1983 1051 4461 4481.10 50.90 49.00 63.80 48.70 61.70
1984 1051 2544 2465.82 29.00 28.80 60.40 26.70 58.40
1985 1051 2570 2378.20 29.30 28.70 57.70 25.80 55.60
1986 1051 7010 6896.57 80.00 79.80 59.40 74.90 57.10
1987 1051 1724 1599.91 19.70 16.50 56.30 17.40 54.20
1988 1051 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.40 0.00 50.40
1989 1051 4735 3880.86 54.00 52.30 52.40 42.20 49.90
1990 1055 6977 6699.80 79.60 78.90 54.00 72.50 51.30
1991 1055 5277 5120.97 60.20 58.80 54.30 55.40 51.50
1992 1055 5811 5677.94 66.20 64.90 54.80 61.30 52.00
1993 1055 7571 7704.08 86.40 85.90 56.40 83.50 53.60
1994 1093 7783 7450.65 88.80 88.80 58.00 80.60 55.00
1995 1093 8598 9363.44 98.20 98.20 60.00 97.80 57.00
1996 1093 8176 7660.56 93.10 93.10 61.50 79.80 58.10
1997 1093 8663 9570.35 98.90 98.90 63.10 100.00 59.90
1998 1093 7923 7658.77 90.40 90.40 64.30 80.00 60.80
1999 1093 8635 9462.31 98.60 98.60 65.70 98.80 62.30
2000 1093 8169 8523.01 93.00 93.00 66.70 88.80 63.30
2001 1093 8563 9369.24 97.80 97.80 67.90 97.80 64.60
2002 1093 8149 8838.93 93.00 93.00 68.80 92.30 65.60
2003 1112 8430 9265.77 96.20 96.30 69.80 94.90 66.70
2004 1112 8066 8886.06 91.80 91.80 70.50 91.00 67.50
2005 1112 8569 9615.14 97.80 97.80 71.40 98.70 68.50
2006 1112 8172 9088.33 93.30 93.30 72.10 93.30 69.30
2007 1112 8737 9867.90 100.00 100.00 73.00 101.60 70.30
2008 1112 7914 8750.03 90.10 90.10 73.50 89.60 70.90
2009 1112 8760 9941.74 100.00 100.00 74.30 102.10 71.80
2010 1122 8139 9000.11 92.90 93.00 74.80 91.60 72.40
2011 1122 8760 9978.33 100.00 100.00 75.50 101.50 73.20
2012 1125 7832 8671.08 89.20 89.20 75.90 87.90 73.60
2013 1125 8760 10103.52 100.00 100.00 76.50 102.50 74.30
2014 1125 7685 8641.88 87.70 87.70 76.80 87.70 74.70
2015 1308 8692 10762.56 99.20 99.30 77.40 99.70 75.40
2016 1308 8322 10476.69 94.70 94.70 77.90 91.20 75.80
2017 1308 8760 11313.07 100.00 100.00 78.50 98.70 76.40
2018 1308 8395 10784.58 95.80 96.10 79.00 94.10 76.90
2019 1300 8760 11534.21 100.00 100.00 79.50 101.30 77.60
2020 1300 8111 10211.82 92.30 92.30 79.90 89.40 77.80
2021 1300 8724 11337.91 99.60 99.60 80.30 99.60 78.40
2022 1300 8362 10652.64 95.50 95.50 80.70 93.50 78.80
2023 1300 8760 11469.21 100.00 99.60 81.20 100.70 79.30

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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