
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model BWR-6 (Mark 3)
Owner Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.
Operator First Energy Nuclear Operating Co.


Construction Start Tuesday, 1 October 1974
First Criticality Friday, 6 June 1986
First Grid Connection Friday, 19 December 1986
Commercial Operation Wednesday, 18 November 1987


Capacity Net 1240 MWe
Capacity Gross 1303 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3758 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1205 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.

Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1986 - - - - - - - -
1987 - - - - - - - -
1988 1205 6664 7233.82 75.90 76.30 76.30 68.40 68.40
1989 1141 4776 5357.58 54.50 53.40 65.20 53.60 61.20
1990 1141 5723 6638.89 65.30 65.30 65.20 66.40 62.90
1991 1166 7949 8975.67 90.70 90.70 71.60 87.90 69.20
1992 1166 6383 7168.56 72.70 72.60 71.80 70.00 69.30
1993 1166 3853 3973.21 44.00 43.90 67.20 38.90 64.30
1994 1166 4151 4591.90 47.40 47.30 64.30 45.00 61.50
1995 1166 8174 9112.12 93.30 93.40 68.00 89.20 65.00
1996 1160 6673 7481.95 76.00 75.90 68.80 73.20 65.90
1997 1160 7178 8151.83 81.90 81.90 70.10 80.20 67.30
1998 1160 8684 10188.94 99.10 99.10 72.80 100.30 70.30
1999 1160 7850 9124.91 89.60 89.60 74.20 89.80 71.90
2000 1223 8506 10085.68 96.80 96.90 76.00 96.40 73.80
2001 1241 6708 7781.77 76.60 77.90 76.10 71.80 73.70
2002 1235 8196 9974.81 93.60 93.60 77.30 92.20 75.00
2003 1235 7217 8553.20 82.40 82.40 77.60 79.10 75.20
2004 1235 8378 10227.34 95.40 95.40 78.80 94.30 76.40
2005 1235 6363 7667.52 72.60 72.60 78.40 70.90 76.10
2006 1235 8521 10475.37 97.30 97.30 79.40 96.80 77.20
2007 1245 6704 8058.25 76.50 76.80 79.30 73.90 77.10
2008 1245 8580 10680.58 97.70 97.70 80.20 97.70 78.10
2009 1245 6284 7345.14 71.70 71.80 79.80 67.40 77.60
2010 1240 8590 10619.71 98.10 98.10 80.60 97.80 78.50
2011 1240 7115 8569.09 81.20 81.20 80.60 78.90 78.50
2012 1240 8607 10490.30 98.00 98.00 81.40 96.30 79.20
2013 1256 6981 8448.62 79.70 79.90 81.30 77.10 79.20
2014 1256 8490 10455.27 96.90 96.90 81.90 95.00 79.80
2015 1256 7639 9482.84 87.20 87.20 82.10 86.20 80.00
2016 1256 8434 10420.29 96.00 96.00 82.60 94.40 80.50
2017 1256 8054 9812.38 91.90 91.90 82.90 89.20 80.80
2018 1240 8760 10718.96 100.00 100.00 83.50 98.70 81.40
2019 1240 7763 9173.10 88.60 88.60 83.70 84.40 81.50
2020 1240 8783 10990.96 100.00 100.00 84.20 100.90 82.10
2021 1240 7975 9709.68 91.00 91.00 84.40 89.40 82.30
2022 1240 8553 10334.45 97.60 97.60 84.80 95.10 82.70
2023 1240 7239 8227.22 82.60 91.10 84.90 75.70 82.50

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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