
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model BWR-3 (Mark 1)
Owner Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Operator Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.


Construction Start Monday, 26 August 1968
First Criticality Friday, 16 June 1972
First Grid Connection Wednesday, 19 July 1972
Commercial Operation Friday, 1 December 1972
Permanent Shutdown Friday, 31 May 2019


Capacity Net 677 MWe
Capacity Gross 711 MWe
Thermal Capacity 2028 MWt
Design Net Capacity 655 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.

Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1972 687 1875 889.20 68.70 100.00 100.00 59.60 59.60
1973 655 7574 4074.20 86.50 88.10 89.10 71.00 70.10
1974 670 3435 1973.10 39.20 39.20 64.90 33.60 52.40
1975 668 6239 2587.30 71.20 44.10 58.20 44.20 49.80
1976 665 5330 2415.50 60.70 41.10 54.00 41.40 47.70
1977 670 5379 2652.20 61.40 45.20 52.20 45.20 47.20
1978 669 7276 4376.70 83.10 74.80 56.00 74.70 51.70
1979 670 7828 4844.60 89.40 82.50 59.70 82.50 56.10
1980 670 4952 3044.10 56.40 56.50 59.30 51.70 55.60
1981 670 5767 3444.10 65.80 66.00 60.00 58.70 55.90
1982 670 5597 3287.10 63.90 64.10 60.40 56.00 55.90
1983 670 7640 4711.90 87.20 87.30 62.90 80.30 58.10
1984 663 34 3.52 0.40 1.40 57.80 0.10 53.30
1985 670 8013 4950.97 91.50 91.50 60.30 84.60 55.70
1986 670 1646 1027.53 18.80 18.80 57.40 17.50 53.00
1987 670 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.60 0.00 49.40
1988 670 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.20 0.00 46.40
1989 670 4919 1707.76 56.20 56.30 50.60 29.10 45.40
1990 670 6784 4243.22 77.40 77.50 52.10 72.30 46.80
1991 670 5572 3424.54 63.60 63.70 52.70 58.40 47.40
1992 670 7400 4741.97 84.20 84.30 54.30 80.60 49.10
1993 670 6880 4340.78 78.50 78.60 55.40 74.00 50.30
1994 670 6069 3824.08 69.30 69.40 56.00 65.20 51.00
1995 670 6962 4485.85 79.50 79.50 57.10 76.40 52.10
1996 670 8345 5324.34 95.00 95.00 58.60 90.50 53.70
1997 670 6840 4310.43 78.10 78.10 59.40 73.40 54.40
1998 670 8760 5698.41 100.00 100.00 61.00 97.10 56.10
1999 670 7141 4473.33 81.50 81.60 61.70 76.20 56.80
2000 670 8454 5512.25 96.20 96.30 63.00 93.70 58.10
2001 653 7884 5144.04 90.00 90.00 63.90 89.00 59.20
2002 653 8760 5769.07 100.00 100.00 65.10 100.80 60.50
2003 684 7548 4977.18 86.20 85.80 65.70 84.60 61.30
2004 684 8721 5939.28 99.30 99.30 66.80 98.80 62.50
2005 685 8166 5474.03 93.20 93.20 67.60 91.20 63.40
2006 685 8684 5829.21 99.10 99.10 68.60 97.10 64.40
2007 685 7774 5119.79 88.70 88.80 69.20 85.30 65.00
2008 685 8656 5868.96 98.50 98.60 70.00 97.50 66.00
2009 684 8012 5396.02 91.50 91.50 70.60 90.10 66.60
2010 685 8760 5917.81 100.00 100.00 71.40 98.60 67.50
2011 685 7710 5085.18 88.00 88.00 71.80 84.70 67.90
2012 677 8714 5876.65 99.20 99.20 72.50 98.80 68.70
2013 677 6796 4326.48 77.60 81.20 72.70 72.90 68.80
2014 677 8640 5769.15 98.60 98.60 73.30 97.30 69.50
2015 677 7507 4993.30 85.70 85.70 73.60 84.20 69.80
2016 677 8222 5412.83 93.60 93.60 74.10 91.00 70.30
2017 677 7658 5046.84 87.40 85.60 74.30 85.10 70.60
2018 677 7265 4440.99 82.90 84.40 74.60 74.90 70.70
2019 677 2159 1398.01 59.60 100.00 74.80 57.00 70.60

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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