
Reactor Type Pressurised Water Reactor (or PWR)
Model CE (2-loop) DRYAMB
Owner Southern California Edison Co.
Operator Southern California Edison Co.


Construction Start Friday, 1 March 1974
First Criticality Monday, 26 July 1982
First Grid Connection Monday, 20 September 1982
Commercial Operation Monday, 8 August 1983
Permanent Shutdown Friday, 7 June 2013


Capacity Net 1070 MWe
Capacity Gross 1127 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3438 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1070 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1982 1087 824 126.00 - - - - -
1983 1083 4236 3660.40 69.70 73.50 73.50 69.80 69.80
1984 1070 5167 5272.64 58.80 58.90 63.20 56.10 60.20
1985 1070 5114 5173.99 58.40 58.40 61.20 55.20 58.10
1986 1070 6266 6371.30 71.50 71.60 64.20 68.00 61.00
1987 1070 6067 6247.34 69.30 69.30 65.40 66.60 62.30
1988 1070 8237 9002.74 93.80 93.80 70.60 95.80 68.50
1989 1070 4956 5237.73 56.60 56.60 68.50 55.90 66.50
1990 1070 7657 8309.68 87.40 87.40 71.00 88.60 69.50
1991 1070 5637 5769.40 64.40 64.40 70.20 61.60 68.50
1992 1070 8214 8795.18 93.50 93.50 72.70 93.60 71.20
1993 1070 7213 7655.01 82.30 82.40 73.60 81.70 72.20
1994 1070 8760 9309.21 100.00 100.00 75.90 99.30 74.60
1995 1070 6197 6496.04 70.70 70.80 75.50 69.30 74.20
1996 1070 8016 8550.23 91.30 91.30 76.70 91.00 75.40
1997 1070 6197 6656.33 70.70 70.80 76.30 71.00 75.10
1998 1070 7792 8430.21 89.00 89.00 77.10 89.90 76.10
1999 1070 7447 8243.55 85.00 85.00 77.60 88.00 76.80
2000 1070 7818 8524.20 89.00 89.00 78.20 90.70 77.60
2001 1070 8538 9492.02 97.50 97.50 79.30 101.30 78.90
2002 1070 7618 8510.46 87.00 87.00 79.70 90.80 79.50
2003 1070 8671 9712.48 99.00 99.00 80.60 103.60 80.70
2004 1070 7263 8068.02 82.70 82.70 80.70 85.80 80.90
2005 1070 8117 8931.73 92.60 92.70 81.20 95.30 81.60
2006 1070 6134 6769.27 70.00 70.00 80.80 72.20 81.20
2007 1070 7526 8304.06 85.90 85.90 81.00 88.60 81.50
2008 1070 8089 8856.81 92.10 92.10 81.40 94.20 82.00
2009 1070 5220 5709.85 59.60 59.60 80.60 60.90 81.20
2010 1070 6341 7038.62 72.40 72.40 80.30 75.10 80.90
2011 1070 8695 9817.18 99.30 99.30 81.00 104.70 81.80
2012 1070 212 185.23 2.40 2.40 78.30 2.00 79.10
2013 1070 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.20 0.00 78.00

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in United States

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