
Reactor Type Pressurised Water Reactor (or PWR)
Owner Eletronuclear S.A.
Operator Eletronuclear S.A.


Construction Start Thursday, 1 January 1976
First Criticality Friday, 14 July 2000
First Grid Connection Friday, 21 July 2000
Commercial Operation Thursday, 1 February 2001


Capacity Net 1275 MWe
Capacity Gross 1350 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3764 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1245 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
2000 1350 2914 2421.17 - - - - -
2001 1350 8315 9904.99 97.30 94.20 94.20 85.70 85.70
2002 1275 8060 9238.24 92.00 83.30 88.70 82.70 84.20
2003 1275 8019 9418.97 91.50 84.30 87.20 84.30 84.20
2004 1275 6497 6919.82 74.00 72.80 83.60 61.80 78.60
2005 1275 5581 5676.66 63.70 63.70 79.60 50.80 73.00
2006 1275 8014 9778.32 91.50 89.30 81.20 87.60 75.40
2007 1275 7606 9096.95 86.80 84.70 81.70 81.40 76.30
2008 1275 7924 9894.03 90.20 89.10 82.60 88.30 77.80
2009 1275 8068 9554.65 92.10 91.70 83.60 85.60 78.70
2010 1275 7727 9697.44 88.20 87.10 84.00 86.80 79.50
2011 1275 8682 10342.26 99.10 99.00 85.40 92.60 80.70
2012 1275 8064 10035.50 91.80 89.50 85.70 89.60 81.40
2013 1275 7961 10045.27 90.90 90.10 86.00 89.90 82.10
2014 1275 7754 9756.54 88.50 86.60 86.10 87.40 82.50
2015 1275 7990 10023.96 91.20 89.40 86.30 89.80 83.00
2016 1275 7939 10163.34 90.40 90.00 86.50 90.80 83.40
2017 1275 8521 10887.54 97.30 97.00 87.20 97.50 84.30
2018 1275 8011 10091.65 91.40 89.50 87.30 90.40 84.60
2019 1275 7895 9984.43 90.10 88.80 87.40 89.40 84.80
2020 1275 7423 8897.22 84.50 79.40 87.00 79.40 84.60
2021 1275 7497 9012.51 85.60 80.50 86.70 80.70 84.40
2022 1275 7171 9142.51 81.90 81.60 86.40 81.90 84.30
2023 1275 7228 9179.95 82.50 81.90 86.20 82.20 84.20

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in Brazil

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