Reactor Type | Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR) |
Model | BWR-4 |
Owner | Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. |
Operator | Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. |
Construction Start | Monday, 9 June 1969 |
First Criticality | Thursday, 10 May 1973 |
First Grid Connection | Monday, 24 December 1973 |
Commercial Operation | Thursday, 18 July 1974 |
Permanent Shutdown | Thursday, 19 May 2011 |
Capacity Net | 760 MWe |
Capacity Gross | 784 MWe |
Thermal Capacity | 2381 MWt |
Design Net Capacity | 760 MWe |
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Operational History
Electricity Supplied (GWh)
Energy Availability Factor (%)
Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)
Reactor History
Year | Reference Unit Power (MWe) | Annual Time Online (Hours) | Electricity Supplied (GWh) | Operation Factor (%) | Energy Availability Annual (%) | Energy Availability Cumulative (%) | Load Factor Annual (%) | Load Factor Cumulative (%) |
1973 | 760 | 97 | 5.95 | - | - | - | - | - |
1974 | 760 | 6474 | 3670.10 | 86.60 | 79.40 | 79.40 | 79.40 | 79.40 |
1975 | 760 | 982 | 622.10 | 11.20 | 11.20 | 31.40 | 9.30 | 30.00 |
1976 | 760 | 6918 | 4191.40 | 78.80 | 62.80 | 44.40 | 62.80 | 43.60 |
1977 | 760 | 96 | 49.70 | 1.10 | 0.80 | 31.60 | 0.80 | 31.10 |
1978 | 760 | 6538 | 3876.30 | 74.60 | 58.20 | 37.60 | 58.20 | 37.20 |
1979 | 760 | 4752 | 2976.00 | 54.20 | 44.70 | 38.90 | 44.70 | 38.60 |
1980 | 760 | 4619 | 2889.00 | 52.60 | 43.30 | 39.60 | 43.30 | 39.30 |
1981 | 760 | 5794 | 3841.80 | 66.10 | 57.80 | 42.10 | 57.70 | 41.80 |
1982 | 760 | 7531 | 5290.20 | 86.00 | 79.40 | 46.50 | 79.50 | 46.30 |
1983 | 760 | 4934 | 3422.70 | 56.30 | 51.40 | 47.00 | 51.40 | 46.80 |
1984 | 760 | 5069 | 3698.72 | 57.70 | 56.00 | 47.90 | 55.40 | 47.60 |
1985 | 760 | 5952 | 4266.28 | 68.00 | 65.10 | 49.40 | 64.10 | 49.10 |
1986 | 760 | 7478 | 5541.10 | 85.40 | 84.30 | 52.20 | 83.20 | 51.80 |
1987 | 760 | 5260 | 3851.08 | 60.00 | 58.60 | 52.70 | 57.80 | 52.30 |
1988 | 760 | 5724 | 4101.25 | 65.20 | 62.30 | 53.40 | 61.40 | 52.90 |
1989 | 760 | 8760 | 6516.39 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 56.40 | 97.90 | 55.80 |
1990 | 760 | 4385 | 3122.76 | 50.10 | 47.60 | 55.80 | 46.90 | 55.30 |
1991 | 760 | 5291 | 3853.05 | 60.40 | 59.30 | 56.00 | 57.90 | 55.40 |
1992 | 760 | 6261 | 4568.53 | 71.30 | 69.80 | 56.80 | 68.40 | 56.10 |
1993 | 760 | 5659 | 4186.70 | 64.60 | 64.30 | 57.20 | 62.90 | 56.50 |
1994 | 760 | 3138 | 2265.96 | 35.80 | 34.70 | 56.10 | 34.00 | 55.40 |
1995 | 760 | 8520 | 6396.47 | 97.30 | 97.20 | 58.00 | 96.10 | 57.30 |
1996 | 760 | 6948 | 5192.32 | 79.10 | 78.80 | 58.90 | 77.80 | 58.20 |
1997 | 760 | 6197 | 4618.87 | 70.70 | 70.30 | 59.40 | 69.40 | 58.70 |
1998 | 760 | 5352 | 3976.16 | 61.10 | 60.60 | 59.40 | 59.70 | 58.70 |
1999 | 760 | 4216 | 3158.38 | 48.10 | 48.10 | 59.00 | 47.40 | 58.30 |
2000 | 760 | 6904 | 5167.25 | 78.60 | 78.60 | 59.80 | 77.40 | 59.00 |
2001 | 760 | 8036 | 5996.52 | 91.70 | 91.30 | 60.90 | 90.10 | 60.10 |
2002 | 760 | 6815 | 5101.02 | 77.80 | 77.80 | 61.50 | 76.60 | 60.70 |
2003 | 760 | 2136 | 1601.11 | 24.40 | 24.30 | 60.20 | 24.00 | 59.50 |
2004 | 760 | 4949 | 3671.49 | 56.30 | 55.70 | 60.10 | 55.00 | 59.30 |
2005 | 760 | 4735 | 3424.94 | 54.00 | 52.20 | 59.80 | 51.40 | 59.10 |
2006 | 760 | 4447 | 3219.49 | 50.80 | 49.10 | 59.50 | 48.40 | 58.70 |
2007 | 760 | 7891 | 5879.86 | 90.10 | 89.40 | 60.40 | 88.30 | 59.60 |
2008 | 760 | 7101 | 5289.60 | 80.80 | 80.50 | 61.00 | 79.20 | 60.20 |
2009 | 760 | 6592 | 4903.29 | 75.20 | 74.90 | 61.40 | 73.60 | 60.60 |
2010 | 760 | 6493 | 4790.29 | 74.10 | 72.00 | 61.70 | 72.00 | 60.90 |
2011 | 760 | 1671 | 1259.17 | 50.10 | 50.10 | 61.50 | 49.70 | 60.80 |
Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS