
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model BWR-6
Owner Taiwan Power Co.
Operator Taiwan Power Co.


Construction Start Wednesday, 19 November 1975
First Criticality Sunday, 1 February 1981
First Grid Connection Thursday, 21 May 1981
Commercial Operation Monday, 28 December 1981
Permanent Shutdown Thursday, 1 July 2021


Capacity Net 985 MWe
Capacity Gross 985 MWe
Thermal Capacity 2894 MWt
Design Net Capacity 948 MWe
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1981 - - - - - - - -
1982 - - - - - - - -
1983 - - - - - - - -
1984 - - - - - - - -
1985 - - - - - - - -
1986 - - - - - - - -
1987 - - - - - - - -
1988 - - - - - - - -
1989 951 6447 5329.05 73.60 63.00 - 64.00 -
1990 918 8201 6898.01 93.60 86.80 - 85.80 -
1991 951 6678 5850.77 76.20 71.40 - 70.20 -
1992 951 7126 6152.35 81.10 78.40 - 73.60 -
1993 951 6457 5679.52 73.70 71.10 - 68.20 -
1994 950 7077 6302.27 80.80 76.90 - 75.70 -
1995 948 7734 6897.91 88.30 84.60 76.00 83.10 74.30
1996 948 7573 6950.76 86.20 84.30 77.00 83.50 75.50
1997 948 6978 6277.80 79.70 77.50 77.10 75.60 75.50
1998 948 7209 6426.04 82.30 79.70 77.30 77.40 75.70
1999 948 8439 7686.77 96.30 93.80 78.80 92.60 77.20
2000 948 7391 6588.58 84.10 80.20 79.00 79.10 77.40
2001 948 7070 6452.28 80.70 78.80 78.90 77.70 77.40
2002 948 8693 8068.54 99.20 98.10 80.30 97.20 78.80
2003 948 6968 6444.90 79.50 78.30 80.20 77.60 78.70
2004 948 7516 6978.48 85.60 84.60 80.40 83.80 79.00
2005 948 8749 8150.12 99.90 98.40 81.50 98.10 80.20
2006 985 7325 6903.61 83.60 81.90 81.50 81.00 80.20
2007 985 7429 7104.56 84.80 82.30 81.60 82.30 80.30
2008 985 8673 8384.82 98.70 96.90 82.40 96.90 81.20
2009 985 7823 7558.45 89.30 87.50 82.60 87.60 81.50
2010 985 8150 7949.61 93.00 91.90 83.10 92.10 82.00
2011 985 8760 8564.68 100.00 99.10 83.80 99.30 82.80
2012 985 6412 6170.62 73.00 71.30 83.20 71.30 82.30
2013 985 8165 7859.12 93.20 91.00 83.60 91.10 82.60
2014 985 8664 8490.72 98.90 98.00 84.10 98.40 83.30
2015 985 7807 7575.91 89.10 87.50 84.30 87.80 83.40
2016 985 7980 7665.07 90.80 88.40 84.40 88.60 83.60
2017 985 4916 4716.99 56.10 54.60 83.40 54.70 82.60
2018 985 7486 7236.39 85.50 83.70 83.40 83.90 82.60
2019 985 8760 8549.07 100.00 99.00 83.90 99.10 83.20
2020 985 7668 7374.21 87.30 85.20 83.90 85.20 83.20
2021 985 4369 3998.06 50.40 46.60 82.80 46.80 82.10

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in Taiwan

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