
Reactor Type Boiling Water Reactor (or BWR)
Model BWR-4
Owner Bkw Energie Ag
Operator Bkw Energie Ag


Construction Start Wednesday, 1 March 1967
First Criticality Monday, 8 March 1971
First Grid Connection Thursday, 1 July 1971
Commercial Operation Monday, 6 November 1972
Permanent Shutdown Friday, 20 December 2019


Capacity Net 373 MWe
Capacity Gross 390 MWe
Thermal Capacity 1097 MWt
Design Net Capacity 306 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.

Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1971 - - - - - - - -
1972 323 3834 860.10 91.10 92.20 92.20 82.00 82.00
1973 306 7315 2011.60 83.50 80.70 82.40 75.00 76.10
1974 306 7062 1846.20 80.60 73.20 78.20 68.90 72.80
1975 306 7989 2344.10 91.20 87.10 81.00 87.40 77.40
1976 306 7960 2355.20 90.60 85.20 82.00 87.60 79.80
1977 320 8097 2429.30 92.40 85.70 82.70 86.70 81.20
1978 320 8001 2465.70 91.30 87.30 83.50 88.00 82.30
1979 320 8024 2473.90 91.60 87.70 84.10 88.20 83.20
1980 320 8005 2482.40 91.10 88.50 84.60 88.30 83.80
1981 324 8051 2539.00 91.90 89.10 85.20 89.50 84.50
1982 326 8017 2663.30 91.50 88.90 85.50 93.30 85.40
1983 326 8026 2564.30 91.60 89.60 85.90 89.80 85.80
1984 326 7989 2527.17 91.00 88.10 86.10 88.20 86.00
1985 322 7882 2500.66 90.00 87.20 86.20 88.20 86.10
1986 326 6645 2114.47 75.90 73.70 85.30 74.00 85.30
1987 326 7959 2464.95 90.90 85.50 85.30 86.30 85.30
1988 326 7968 2497.60 90.70 87.10 85.40 87.20 85.50
1989 322 7226 2297.50 82.50 81.30 85.20 81.00 85.20
1990 323 7910 2477.89 90.30 86.50 85.20 87.30 85.30
1991 322 7714 2415.07 88.10 84.80 85.20 85.40 85.30
1992 322 7755 2413.45 88.30 85.00 85.20 85.10 85.30
1993 355 7917 2568.47 90.40 86.80 85.30 86.50 85.40
1994 355 7952 2643.11 90.80 84.90 85.30 85.00 85.30
1995 355 7894 2668.96 90.10 85.40 85.30 85.80 85.40
1996 355 7847 2649.03 89.30 84.40 85.20 85.00 85.40
1997 355 7671 2549.15 87.60 81.80 85.10 82.00 85.20
1998 355 7886 2659.69 90.00 85.20 85.10 85.50 85.20
1999 355 8064 2702.82 92.00 86.60 85.20 86.90 85.30
2000 355 8290 2817.03 94.40 90.10 85.30 90.30 85.50
2001 355 8195 2768.73 93.60 88.80 85.50 89.00 85.60
2002 355 8280 2828.21 94.50 87.70 85.60 91.00 85.80
2003 355 8034 2744.24 91.70 87.70 85.60 88.20 85.90
2004 355 8282 2906.12 94.30 92.40 85.80 93.20 86.10
2005 355 8130 2855.32 92.80 91.00 86.00 91.80 86.30
2006 355 8174 2882.88 93.30 90.90 86.20 92.70 86.50
2007 355 8021 2900.36 91.60 90.50 86.30 93.30 86.70
2008 355 8114 2973.26 92.40 91.30 86.40 95.40 87.00
2009 373 8025 2983.63 91.60 90.70 86.60 91.30 87.10
2010 373 8198 3008.81 93.60 91.30 86.70 92.10 87.20
2011 373 6707 2495.89 76.60 75.70 86.40 76.40 86.90
2012 373 8017 2971.32 91.30 90.70 86.50 90.70 87.00
2013 373 7947 2919.48 90.70 89.40 86.60 89.40 87.10
2014 373 8146 3014.59 93.00 92.30 86.80 92.30 87.20
2015 373 8025 2934.18 91.60 90.50 86.80 89.80 87.30
2016 373 8160 2946.09 92.90 90.00 86.90 89.90 87.40
2017 373 8157 3004.03 93.10 92.00 87.00 91.90 87.50
2018 373 8132 2970.39 92.80 90.90 87.10 90.90 87.60
2019 373 8484 3124.95 99.90 98.10 87.40 98.60 87.80

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in Switzerland

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