
Reactor Type Pressurised Water Reactor (or PWR)
Model P4 REP 1300
Owner EDF
Operator EDF


Construction Start Wednesday, 1 September 1982
First Criticality Sunday, 1 April 1990
First Grid Connection Friday, 4 May 1990
Commercial Operation Saturday, 1 December 1990


Capacity Net 1330 MWe
Capacity Gross 1382 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3817 MWt
Design Net Capacity 1330 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
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Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1990 1330 3100 2887.12 99.20 98.90 98.90 98.20 98.20
1991 1330 6645 8436.71 75.90 74.20 76.20 72.40 74.40
1992 1330 6315 7922.21 71.90 70.90 73.60 67.80 71.20
1993 1330 7298 8023.87 83.30 71.90 73.10 68.90 70.50
1994 1330 6654 7969.13 76.00 85.00 76.00 68.40 70.00
1995 1330 7248 8879.06 82.70 80.80 76.90 76.20 71.20
1996 1330 7625 9530.76 86.80 85.20 78.30 81.60 72.90
1997 1330 6872 8503.41 78.40 76.70 78.10 73.00 72.90
1998 1330 8140 9965.66 92.90 97.90 80.50 85.50 74.50
1999 1330 6633 7998.46 75.70 71.50 79.50 68.60 73.80
2000 1330 6640 8271.73 75.60 73.70 79.00 70.80 73.50
2001 1330 8304 9825.84 94.80 98.40 80.70 84.30 74.50
2002 1330 5948 7146.66 67.90 66.90 79.60 61.30 73.40
2003 1330 7525 9290.83 85.90 84.60 80.00 79.70 73.90
2004 1330 8733 10500.23 99.40 98.60 81.30 89.90 75.00
2005 1330 7104 8491.26 81.10 76.90 81.00 72.90 74.90
2006 1330 7656 9533.15 87.40 83.60 81.20 81.80 75.30
2007 1330 7356 9243.57 84.00 82.10 81.20 79.30 75.60
2008 1330 8424 10743.35 95.90 95.20 82.00 92.00 76.50
2009 1330 7217 8878.54 82.40 80.50 81.90 76.20 76.50
2010 1330 5280 6627.27 60.30 59.20 80.80 56.90 75.50
2011 1330 6332 7976.85 72.30 71.30 80.30 68.50 75.20
2012 1330 8525 10476.99 97.00 95.80 81.00 89.70 75.80
2013 1330 7536 9001.96 86.00 84.10 81.20 77.30 75.90
2014 1330 6939 8406.70 79.20 77.60 81.00 72.20 75.70
2015 1330 8623 10162.55 98.40 97.70 81.70 87.20 76.20
2016 1330 7812 9489.07 88.90 83.90 81.80 81.20 76.40
2017 1330 6376 7829.20 72.80 69.30 81.30 67.20 76.00
2018 1330 7044 8796.74 80.40 78.40 81.20 75.50 76.00
2019 1330 8383 10462.26 95.70 93.90 81.60 89.80 76.50
2020 1330 5120 6249.27 58.30 53.90 80.70 53.50 75.70
2021 1330 6387 8310.67 72.90 71.40 80.40 71.30 75.60
2022 1330 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.90 0.00 73.20
2023 1330 3978 4916.24 45.40 43.20 76.90 42.20 72.30

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in France

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