
Reactor Type Pressurised Water Reactor (or PWR)
Model W (3-loops)
Owner Ringhals AB
Operator Ringhals AB


Construction Start Friday, 1 September 1972
First Criticality Tuesday, 29 July 1980
First Grid Connection Sunday, 7 September 1980
Commercial Operation Wednesday, 9 September 1981


Capacity Net 1081 MWe
Capacity Gross 1128 MWe
Thermal Capacity 3135 MWt
Design Net Capacity 915 MWe
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.

Operational History

Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Energy Availability Factor (%)

Total Electricity Supplied (GWh)

Reactor History

Year Reference Unit Power (MWe) Annual Time Online (Hours) Electricity Supplied (GWh) Operation Factor (%) Energy Availability Annual (%) Energy Availability Cumulative (%) Load Factor Annual (%) Load Factor Cumulative (%)
1980 915 1306 351.20 - - - - -
1981 920 4560 2859.20 29.50 26.80 26.80 26.80 26.80
1982 915 3680 1251.60 42.00 15.60 18.40 15.60 18.40
1983 915 5886 2909.90 67.20 38.20 26.60 38.20 26.60
1984 915 6450 5346.56 73.40 72.40 40.60 66.50 38.80
1985 915 7580 6090.25 86.50 84.80 50.90 76.00 47.50
1986 915 7026 6233.87 80.20 78.80 56.20 77.80 53.20
1987 915 7485 6169.21 85.40 83.10 60.50 77.00 57.00
1988 915 7645 6151.17 87.00 77.10 62.80 76.50 59.70
1989 915 7757 5829.68 88.60 82.60 65.20 72.70 61.20
1990 915 7855 5871.27 89.70 74.00 66.10 73.20 62.50
1991 915 8007 5923.60 91.40 75.70 67.00 73.90 63.60
1992 915 7941 5622.12 90.40 82.30 68.40 70.00 64.20
1993 915 7964 6685.76 90.90 89.80 70.10 83.40 65.80
1994 918 8097 6873.37 92.40 86.10 71.30 85.50 67.20
1995 918 6040 4873.56 69.00 60.70 70.60 60.60 66.80
1996 910 8166 6816.76 93.00 87.30 71.70 85.30 68.00
1997 910 8107 6581.42 92.50 81.70 72.30 82.60 68.90
1998 915 8008 6382.65 91.40 81.30 72.80 79.60 69.50
1999 911 7899 6975.98 90.20 88.00 73.60 87.40 70.50
2000 911 7966 6165.84 90.70 89.50 74.50 77.00 70.80
2001 911 7942 6285.26 90.70 79.40 74.70 78.80 71.20
2002 915 7930 6890.61 90.50 88.80 75.40 86.00 71.90
2003 915 7475 6714.60 85.30 84.40 75.80 83.80 72.40
2004 915 8295 7497.90 94.40 93.90 76.60 93.30 73.30
2005 915 8075 7181.56 92.20 90.50 77.10 89.60 74.00
2006 1045 7249 6570.84 82.80 75.00 77.00 76.40 74.10
2007 1045 6565 5990.80 74.90 64.30 76.50 65.40 73.70
2008 985 7980 7599.80 90.80 87.80 76.90 87.80 74.30
2009 1044 8093 8102.89 92.40 89.70 77.40 89.80 74.90
2010 1051 7590 7605.45 86.60 81.90 77.60 82.60 75.20
2011 1057 7032 7141.61 80.30 77.20 77.60 77.10 75.30
2012 1064 8088 8327.82 92.10 89.20 78.00 89.60 75.80
2013 1064 6852 6949.96 78.20 73.80 77.90 74.60 75.70
2014 1062 7887 8099.92 90.00 86.20 78.10 87.00 76.10
2015 1063 7853 7753.27 89.60 82.50 78.30 83.30 76.40
2016 1065 7106 7437.54 80.90 78.90 78.30 79.60 76.40
2017 1065 8027 7988.55 91.60 84.90 78.50 85.60 76.70
2018 1062 7821 8144.41 89.30 86.50 78.70 87.50 77.00
2019 1062 8107 8212.37 92.60 87.00 79.00 88.30 77.40
2020 1072 5452 5522.53 62.10 63.10 78.50 59.00 76.90
2021 1072 6214 6623.06 70.90 69.10 78.30 70.50 76.70
2022 1074 7780 8151.85 88.80 85.60 78.50 86.60 77.00
2023 1081 7503 7694.60 85.60 80.50 78.50 81.50 77.10

Source: Operating details - IAEA PRIS

See Also

Nuclear Power in Sweden

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