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Nuclear Fuel Cycle
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Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Overview
The nuclear fuel cycle is the series of industrial processes which involve the production of electricity from uranium in nuclear power reactors. Uranium is a relatively common element that is found th...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
What is Uranium? How Does it Work?
Uranium is a very heavy metal which can be used as an abundant source of concentrated energy. Uranium occurs in most rocks in concentrations of 2 to 4 parts per million and is as common in t...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Physics of Nuclear Energy
Neutrons in motion are the starting point for everything that happens in a nuclear reactor. When a neutron passes near to a heavy nucleus, for example uranium-235, the neutron may be captured by the n...
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Uranium Resources
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Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Uranium Markets
Production from world uranium mines has in recent years supplied 90% of the requirements of power utilities. Primary production from mines is supplemented by secondary supplies, principally by ex...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Supply of Uranium
Uranium is a relatively common metal, found in rocks and seawater. Economic concentrations of it are not uncommon.
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Geology of Uranium Deposits
Uranium occurs in a number of different igneous, hydrothermal and sedimentary geological environments. The major primary ore mineral is uraninite or pitchblende, though a range of other uran...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Military Warheads as a Source of Nuclear Fuel
Weapons-grade uranium and plutonium is being made available for use as civil fuel. Highly-enriched uranium from weapons stockpiles met about 13% of world reactor requirements through to 2013.
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Uranium and Depleted Uranium
The basic fuel for a nuclear power reactor is uranium. Uranium occurs naturally in the Earth's crust and is mildly radioactive. Depleted uranium is a by-product from uranium enrichment.
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Uranium from Phosphates
Rock phosphate deposits contain many million tonnes of uranium, which may be extracted as a by-product of making fertilizers. The process because uneconomic in the 1990s, but process improvements and ...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Uranium From Rare Earths Deposits
A large amount of uranium is in rare earths deposits, and may be extracted as a by-product. Higher uranium prices and geopolitical developments would enhance the economic potential for recovering thes...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
The Cosmic Origins of Uranium
The Earth's uranium has been thought to be produced in one or more supernovae over 6 billion years ago. More recent research suggests it could also be created through the merger of neutron stars. ...
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Mining of Uranium
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Nuclear Fuel Cycle
World Uranium Mining Production
Nearly three-quarters of the world's production of uranium from mines is from Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia and Namibia. Another 11 countries contribute the rest.
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Uranium Mining Overview
In the last 60 years uranium has become one of the world's most important energy minerals. It is used almost entirely for making electricity, though a small proportion is used for the important ta...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
In-Situ Leach Mining of Uranium
Most uranium mining in the USA and Kazakhstan is now by in situ leach methods. In the USA, ISL is seen as the most cost effective and environmentally acceptable method of mining, and Australian ...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Environmental Aspects of Uranium Mining
In most respects the environmental aspects of a uranium mine are the same as those of other metalliferous mining. Most uranium mines in Australia and Canada have ISO 14001 certification. The...
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Conversion, Enrichment & Fabrication
Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Conversion and Deconversion
Prior to enrichment, uranium oxide must be converted to a fluoride so that it can be processed as a gas, at low temperature. Conversion plants are operating commercially in Canada, China, France, Russ...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Uranium Enrichment
Most of the commercial nuclear power reactors in the world today require uranium 'enriched' in the U-235 isotope for their fuel. The commercial process employed for this enrichment involves ga...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Fuel Fabrication
Fuel fabrication is the final stage in nuclear fuel preparation prior to use in a reactor. Nuclear fuel assemblies are specifically designed for particular types of reactors and are made to exacting s...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU)
The current fleet of nuclear reactors runs primarily on uranium fuel enriched up to 5% uranium-235 (U-235). High-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) is defined as uranium enriched to greater than 5% an...
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Nuclear Power Reactors
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Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Nuclear Power Reactors
About 9% of the world's electricity is produced from nuclear energy. Most nuclear electricity is generated using just two kinds of reactor. New designs are coming forward and some are in oper...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Advanced Nuclear Power Reactors
Improved designs of nuclear power reactors are currently being developed in several countries. Newer advanced reactors now being built have simpler designs which reduce capital cost. They are more fue...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Small Nuclear Power Reactors
There is revival of interest in small and simpler units for generating electricity from nuclear power, and for process heat. This interest in smaller nuclear power reactors is driven both by a desire ...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Heavy Manufacturing of Power Plants
A critical issue for accelerating nuclear power plant construction is the availability of heavy engineering plants to make the reactor components, especially for those units of more than 1100 MWe.&nbs...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Generation IV Nuclear Reactors
An international task force is developing six nuclear reactor technologies for deployment between 2020 and 2030. Four are fast neutron reactors. All six systems represent advances in sustainabili...
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Fuel Recycling
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Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Processing of Used Nuclear Fuel
Used nuclear fuel has long been reprocessed to extract fissile materials for recycling and to reduce the volume of high-level wastes. New reprocessing technologies are being developed to be deployed i...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Mixed Oxide Fuel MOX
Mixed oxide (MOX) fuel provides about 2% of the new nuclear fuel used today. MOX fuel is manufactured from plutonium recovered from used reactor fuel. MOX fuel also provides a means of burning weapons...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Over one-third of the energy produced in most nuclear power plants comes from plutonium. It is created there as a by-product. Plutonium has occurred naturally, but except for trace quantities it is no...
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Nuclear Waste
Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Radioactive Waste Management
Nuclear waste is neither particularly hazardous nor hard to manage relative to other toxic industrial wastes. The amount of radioactive waste is very small relative to wastes produced by fossil f...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Treatment and Conditioning of Nuclear Waste
Treatment and conditioning processes are used to convert radioactive waste materials into a form that is suitable for its subsequent management.
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Most low-level radioactive waste is typically sent to land-based disposal immediately following its packaging. Many long-term waste management options have been investigated worldwide which seek to pr...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
International Nuclear Waste Disposal Concepts
There have been several proposal for regional and international repositories for disposal of high-level nuclear wastes and several projects are being investigated.
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Radioactive Waste – Myths and Realities
There are a number of pervasive myths regarding both radiation and radioactive wastes. Some lead to regulation and actions which are counterproductive to human health and safety.
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities
Decommissioning costs for nuclear power plants, including disposal of associated wastes, contribute only a small fraction of the total cost of electricity generation. Proven techniques and equipm...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Transport of Radioactive Material
Radioactive material accounts for a very small proportion of all dangerous material shipped each year. About 20 million consignments of radioactive material are transported each year on public roads, ...
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Information Library
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Japanese Waste and MOX Shipments From Europe
Reprocessing of Japanese used fuel has been undertaken in UK and France under contract with Japanese utilities. Recovered fissile materials are returned to Japan as reactor fuel, notably as mixed oxid...
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